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OCAD University

Transfer Advisor

Leiko Shimizu


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  • Check out the following resource to learn more about credit transfer at OCAD University:

  • Review the admission requirements for all programs at OCAD University:

  • The minimum grade required to transfer a course to OCAD University varies by source institution, but typically ranges from 60-70%.

  • View OCAD University’s articulation agreement opportunities:

  • OCAD University awards block transfer credit for Upper-Year Entry, as well as specified and unspecified transfer credit in recognition of previous learning.

    Upper Year Entry

    Applicants who have completed one or more years of study in an accredited post-secondary art or design program may be eligible to apply for admission with direct entry to an upper year in a studio-based program. Eligibility is dependent on the level attained and the particular program of study. For studio-based programs, students who are admitted to second year, typically receive a block transfer of 3.5 studio credits (7 courses). Students who are admitted to third year, typically receive a block transfer of 7.0 studio credits (14 courses).

    Transfer Credits

    Students who have attended an accredited post-secondary institution or who have completed International Baccalaureate (IB) or Advanced Placement (AP) courses may be awarded transfer credit. Specified transfer credits are direct equivalencies to OCAD U courses and these credits will be given the same course code. Unspecified transfer credits are unassigned equivalencies where OCAD U does not offer the same course. These credits will be given a generic course code.

  • The amount of transfer credit you can receive is limited by OCAD University’s residency policy. The policy states that at least 50% of graduation requirements must be completed at the University. In addition, 2 of the 3 final semesters prior to graduation, including the final, must be completed at the University.

  • OCAD University will consider all courses for transfer credit, regardless of currency, with the exception of highly technical or practice based courses.

  • Follow these steps in order to receive your PLAR assessment at OCAD University:

    Course Challenge

    • A request for permission to challenge a course must be submitted before the end of the first week of the course. Students may normally challenge no more than 2.0 credits. Not all courses may be challenged.  
    • Students must present evidence of prior learning and receive permission to challenge a course for credit from the Dean or designate of the Faculty offering the course. Credits gained through Course Challenge cannot be used to fulfill OCAD University's residency requirements.
    • Students who are successful in challenging a course for credit will receive a grade of Pass (P) on their transcript. The grade of P has no numerical equivalent and is not included in the calculation of grade point average. The grade of P may not be applied in any way toward application for scholarships, bursaries or loans. Credit will only be awarded for work meeting the standard expected of students who successfully complete the course with a grade of 60% or better.
  • A course challenge assessment at OCAD University costs $100.00 + 50% of the applicable tuition fee (current rates). All fees are non-refundable.

  • Courses approved for transfer to OCAD U will appear on the OCAD U transcript with the notation “TR”. Grades from previous institutions will not be recorded on the OCAD U transcript, nor will they be used to calculate academic averages or considered for graduating with distinction.

  • Please contact

  • Please read OCAD University’s Prior Learning Assessment policy, Transfer Credit Guidelines, and FAQs:

  • After receiving an offer of admission to OCAD U, students may request transfer credits by submitting a Transfer Credit Request form with the required documentation. Requests for transfer credit may be considered up to 24 months after admission or, for courses not previously considered for transfer, up to 6 months after admission to a new program. Decisions are made in consultation with the appropriate Dean or designate.

  • There is currently no fee required for a transfer credit assessment at OCAD University.

  • The documentation required to have your previously completed postsecondary education assessed for transfer credit at OCAD University includes: 

    • Official transcript(s)
    Course outline(s) – should include the following information: course description, learning outcomes, weekly topics, grade breakdown, and assignment details
    Completed Transfer Credit Request Form
  • The Transfer Credit request form can be found on this page: 

    The Upper Year entry inquiry form can be found on this page: 

    The Pathways inquiry form can be found on this page:

  • Overall Deadline to Request Transfer Credits

    Students have 2 years from the time they are admitted to OCAD U to request transfer credit (by August 31 each year).

    Students who change programs during their time at OCAD U may request another review of their transcript for additional and/or modified transfer credits. Students have up to 6 months after the start of their new program to request this (March 31).

    Per Term Deadline to Request Transfer Credits

    These are deadlines we recommend students follow to give us enough time to review their request before the start of each term. If we receive requests after the deadlines below, students might not receive their results in time to replace courses they drop based on receiving transfer credits, which could include losing tuition refund money.

    • August 1 for Fall term courses
    • November 15 for Winter term courses
    • March 31 for Spring/Summer term courses
  • A transfer credit decision at OCAD University could take up to 8 weeks to process during peak times from May to October.  During off-peak times, it could take up to 4 weeks to process.  Assessment begins after all required supporting documentations has been submitted.

  • Students may appeal transfer credit decisions by submitting additional information with a formal request for reconsideration no later than 6 months after the date on their transfer credit results letter. endeavours to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding credit transfer; however, changes and updates to transfer opportunities happen on an ongoing basis. Students MUST check with the institution directly before applying to any program.